Are you feeling bored by the content on your social media pages lately? This happens more often than we would like.

It can be difficult to come up with new ideas in the face of such a competitive market. We’ve compiled five social media content hacks to help you get out of your creative slump.

#1: Use User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is exactly what it sounds like. It is content created by users of your brand, including images, testimonials and common questions that are transformed into FAQs.

UGC reduces the pressure you feel to create content ideas every day. It is also a great asset for growing social media. User-generated content is 42 per cent more likely than original posts to generate traffic, leads and sales.

Incorporating UGC into Your Content Strategy

You need to plan strategically to harness the power of user-generated content, just like any other content asset. These tips will help you.

Tip 1: Use Conley

Conley is a content-generating and testing platform that allows users to create, source, distribute, and track user-generated content. It’s an intuitive platform. You can track UGC ROI with Cohley and connect with skilled creators to help you achieve your publishing goals.

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One case study shows that Hemp Black, a successful technology company, chose Cohley as their visual agency to launch a campaign that defined their brand and style. Conley created a successful marketing campaign, allowing Hemp Black to reach their digital campaign goals using various unique tools.

Conley is a must-have if you want to elevate your UGC.

Tip 2: Leverage Reviews

You’ll want to use user feedback to improve your products.

Reviews can not only increase sales, but they also have the potential to increase website traffic and build consumer trust.

Encourage customers to leave reviews about you and your products on any platform, whether Yelp, Google or TripAdvisor. Reviews on- and off-site are essential for building trust and nurturing customers. Plus, they produce great content.

Tip #3: Create a Hashtag Contest

Start a hashtag contest to encourage consumers to share content. You can encourage users to share photos and videos that align with the hashtag. This interaction could drive your hashtag trending, which can increase engagement and brand awareness.

This hashtag initiative is from the Denver Art Museum.

Museum visitors shared photos via their social channels, which the Museum then shared as UGC on their branded channels.

Hack #2 – Use Go-Live Features To Showcase Your Brand Behind the Scenes

Consumers are watching an average of 92 minutes of video per day.

Did this number stop you from moving? It should.

How can your brand take advantage of this huge digital consumption?

Go live.

Zoom, Facebook and Instagram (among others) all have easy-to-use live video functionality.

Video content is an amazing social media content asset. However, going live allows you to interact with your followers in real-time. This is a benefit that pre-filmed video cannot offer.

Tips to Make Your Live Videos Successful

It will help if you plan your live videos strategy as you would any other marketing campaign.

These are some tips that will help you to execute your next Go Live flawlessly.

Tip 1 – Promote Your Live Stream in Advance

How will your audience know if you are going live if they don’t know?

Before your live stream begins, make sure you share all details. You should include the date, time, platform and other details that will appeal to your audience.

This information can be shared via email or social media. 

Tip 2 – Create a Plan for Engagement

People use live streams to find out more about a topic. They are eager to answer their specific questions and interact with your brand.

You can ensure that this interaction happens by setting aside time for questions and strategist answers to any possible ones your audience might ask. It is also possible to foster a sense of community and inclusion by greeting your audience by name when they enter the feed. Don’t forget who you are here for.

Tip #3: Add a Call to Action

You should host your live stream with a specific audience action. Your intended CTA should be mentioned multiple times in your live video, regardless of whether it is purchasing or subscribing.

Tip #4: Choose the Right Platform to Broadcast Live Videos

Different audiences prefer different platforms. Before you can even consider hitting “go live” on any of your social media channels, you must first know who your customers are.

There are several options for platforms to go live:

  • Facebook Live
  • Instagram Live
  • Twitch YouTube Live
  • TikTok Live
  • Periscope

Tip 5 – Choose the Right Tools

Our tools are only as good or as effective as us. There are many tools available to help you achieve your goals when it comes time to go live.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • vMix, This live production software lets you input music, videos, presentations, streams, and much more to your go-live. This solution is all you need.
  • Facebook Media: You can broadcast a conversation or performance, Q&A session, or virtual event through this tool. Live broadcasting can be done on a Page, in groups, or at an official event.
  • ManyCam This program allows users to use their webcam in multiple video chats and video streaming apps.

Each tool has its functionality and interfacing capabilities. Once you have identified the platform your audience is most active on, you can determine which tools best complement that platform.

Hack #3 – Diversify your Content Assets

Your intended audience might share a common need, but they are also unique individuals with different learning styles.

Diversifying your content assets increases the chances that your social media content will resonate more with your audience.

You will need to build a library of content assets that includes infographics, success stories and whitepapers, videos, and other forms of consumable content on social media.

Tips to Diversify Assets

However, creating new content assets can be a tedious process. It can feel overwhelming for small businesses with a limited marketing department to design a social media content library.

Tip 1 – Use Tools to Help

Conley tools can be used to meet your content requirements. You can create stunning visual assets, transform product reviews into engaging social media assets and activate new assets.

You’ll be able to use the power of Cohley for your content needs and gain assets that you will want to share.

Tip 2 – Repurpose

Are you displaying a large downloadable file on your website to facilitate your mailing list sign up process? You can break it up into smaller pieces of content like infographics or checklists.

Everything old can be repurposed.

Tip 3 – Try New Media

You might consider incorporating different content types if you have used the same three content types in the past. You might also consider polls, info graphics and videos.

Maybe your audience is desperate for original content from your brand. Now is the time to find out.

Hack #4 – Create cohesive campaigns across social channels

Although it would be great if the same content were successful across all social media channels, this is not often the case. We have already discussed that different channels have different audiences and different expectations.

Your cross social campaigns should tell a coherent story that does not bore your readers. Thematically, content should be consistent but presented on different platforms.

Tips to Cohesive Cross-Social Campaigns

Although it may seem difficult to tell a multi-platform story, these are three tips that will help you succeed.

Tip 1 – Use Tools to Help

There are many tools available to assist you in crafting cross-social campaigns. Here are a few of our favourite tools.

  • Canva – With Canva, you can create beautiful graphics no matter your level of design skills. You can make images that fit specific platform parameters with the robust, free version of Canva.
  • Buffer – Posting is one of the most tedious aspects of any cross-platform social media campaign. With its simple-to-use scheduling tool, Buffer will take the pressure off of your calendars.
  • Meet Edgar – This RPA platform is perfect for busy marketers. It creates content possibilities for sharing social media content.

Tip 2 – Identify the Right Performance Indicators

Each channel has its metrics. You can assess which metrics are associated with each channel to know if your campaign goals have been achieved.

Tip 3 – Testing

Marketers love testing. This is true for social media channels as well. Can conduct A/B testing to determine what social media platforms resonate best with your audience. Then, you can adjust your approach for each channel based on the results.

Hack #5 – Lower Internal and External Production Costs for Assets so that you can Spend More

Tips to Lower Content Production Costs

Already we have discussed the time and effort involved in creating social media content assets. It’s now time to discuss the financial costs. It can be very expensive to create new assets. It doesn’t need to be.

Tip 1 – Use or Partner with  To Produce Assets For You

Conley partners allow you to access their amazing platform and save significantly on content creation. Their testing capabilities allow you to optimize your budget and increase your return on investment (ROI) by determining where the best place is.

Conley’s financial benefits don’t end there. Paid social ads can save you a lot of money. T3, for example, saved more than $450k on content costs by choosing Cohley’s UGC platform over funding their photo shoots.

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