Google is working to make it easier for small businesses to reach a large customer base.

Do you know that 4/5 of people use search engines for local information? They also want search ads that are customized to their community. This statistic was discovered by Google and Ipsos MediaCT in 2014 when they studied over 5,000 smartphone owners. Your website could be lost in the deepest depths of the Internet if your business does not appear in a popular search engine like Google.

You probably already know how important it is to have an online presence. You have probably used a marketing strategy to attract customers for the past five years or fifty years. Google may not be able to answer all your questions, but they do have some easy-to-use tools that will simplify your marketing strategy online and open up new doors for you.

You can access these Google tools by creating a “Google My Business Account” online. This account works like an online dashboard, giving you the opportunity to interact with your customers, prospects, and local community.

Google will verify your listing once you’ve created it. This will ensure that the business can be found and its location appears on Google Maps. You can complete the verification process by phone or by mailing a postcard with a PIN. It is important to post the most accurate data because your customers can see it once you have entered it.

Google allows you to update your dashboard easily if any of your information changes. For example, if the name or location of your business or your telephone number has changed. This tool will allow you to make more changes.

Edit your business description in Google My Business.

Google Places was the name of Google My Business back in those days. They removed the feature that allowed you to describe your business. Guess what? It’s back. Google now allows business owners to add and write descriptions of their services. The description, which can have up to a 750-character limit, will appear when customers use Google Maps for their mobile devices and click on the name of their business. The information you entered in Google My Business will appear on the panel. This includes hours, reviews, and addresses.

Input information that will appeal to the largest number of customers. It’s a great opportunity to grab the attention of viewers and make your business stand out. Please write a description of what you offer, how your company is different, its history, etc. Remember the Google rule that you must keep your description to 750 characters and no links. It is a new tool that was just rolled out a month ago. If you do not yet have this option, please be patient. You will see it on your dashboard or contact Google for more information.

It can be hard to stand out from the hundreds of thousands of local businesses. The stakes increase if you want to make your business known on a national or even an international scale. It takes a lot of effort to make sure that the best aspects of your business are portrayed online. Google My Business users will find these two new features very helpful.

Women’s Business Icon

Question: “Is the business woman in your company led?”

  • This new Google feature is for you if the answer to that question is yes. Google’s Women-Led icon (a small red symbol) appears next to your business name in mobile search results if your business was started, led, or owned by a woman. This feature must be enabled in your Google My Business dashboard under the “Attributes.” This Women-led icon appears in the “highlights,” or business section, when a customer searches for your business using their smartphone. This can reduce the gender gap that exists in many countries and help customers to support women-run businesses. Google revealed that nearly half of working-age women do not participate in the formal economic system. Women-led businesses can thrive by adding this feature to Google My Business Dashboard. Customers may choose to support these companies.
  • You can still benefit from the dashboard if your company does not have a female-led leadership. If your business is LGBTQ-friendly, offers unisex bathrooms or is wheelchair-accessible, it also qualifies by helping your customers feel at ease and welcome at your establishment. These attributes display the same way as the Women-led Icon and can be used to highlight unique features of your establishment.

Restaurant Menus

You’re in luck if you own a restaurant. Google announced in January that owners of restaurants can now edit and add menus to their Google My Business listings. Mobile users will benefit from this feature, as they will be able to view menu items, including their names, descriptions, and prices. This feature allows you to create menu sections such as appetizers and entrees. You can also include wine, desserts, etc.

Many restaurant businesses have this feature in their Google My Business tab, but not all. It is currently only available in English-speaking areas. It is also important to note if your business is listed as a “bistro” or “cafe,” you may not have access to this tool because it has only been made available to companies in the category of “restaurants.” Another way to make your business stand out is by offering a unique happy hour deal or a rare wine. Customers will not need to make an effort to find out about a great happy hour offer or a rare wine. This type of quality online presence can help showcase your business.

It is important to make your business stand out, but there are more effective ways than posting data or adding buttons. It is important to connect with the community that you want to reach, not only for the sake of getting your name out there but also in order to create an emotional connection with customers and prospects. The last feature of Google My Business that was recently released is the community connection.

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